If you are hiring out to have your home alarm installed, always use a licensed vendor to install, repair, or service an alarm system. While licenses do not guarantee honesty, it does indicate that the vendor has registered with the state, and has met the specified minimum criteria for your locale. In most cases, a license is predicated upon proof of adequate insurance and/or bonding, so you have that protection as well. Local alarm systems (those which sound only on the protected premises) are much less effective, especially when local ordinances limit the time for which the signal can sound to avoid nuisance disturbance of neighbors. If you invest in such an alarm, you are counting on conscientious neighbors to call the police to respond. Having the signals from your alarm system monitored by a licensed vendor better assures that you get the protection you pay for when you install an alarm system.


An Efficient Home Office That Is Appealing and Comfortable

More and more people these days have home offices, but it can be hard to separate the home from the office. The aim is to design a wonderful home office that will be efficient, appealing, and comfortable. MAKE A PLAN If you're building an office from scratch, the first thing you need to do is make a plan. This first set of tips will get you thinking about where to start. Define Your Space The first thing you need to do is decide where your office is going to be.

Do you have a whole room to dedicate to it? Or maybe just a corner of a room? Whatever the case, it's important to clearly define your office space. Questions to Ask You're going to want to ask yourself some important questions while considering your home office. Questions like: What furniture do I already have (desk, chair, lamp)? Will clients need to come in my office? Is my space big enough that I won't feel crowded? Draw Your Work Area It's a good idea to plan out your work area. Where is your desk going? Do you have room for shelves? If you can see everything on paper, It'll be a lot easier when you move things to where they need to be. Measure After drawing your office, get out a measuring tape and measure everything. Be sure you measure your office space and all of your furniture.

Even if you don't yet have all the furniture that you need, at least you'll have the measurements of what will fit. Give Yourself a Space to Write When planning your office, make sure you give yourself room to write. With all of your computer equipment, lamps, printers, etc., you can easily forget to give yourself space to write. Even the most technology-savvy individual needs to simply jot down an idea sometimes.

CREATING SPACE Many people don't have room for a home office, so they need to make room. All it takes is a little creativity. This next set of tips will give you some ideas and hopefully get those creative juices flowing. Using Long, Narrow Spaces If you have a long wall, you can use it as a make-shift office. Just look around for a narrow desk, and you're halfway there. You can even use some cinder blocks and a sturdy piece of wood.

Use a Wall Separator Wall separators do wonders for would-be-rooms. They're not very expensive and can make any corner look like a real room. You also can use the extra wall for calendars, sticky notes, etc. Look For Nooks You'd be surprised at the little nooks and spaces you can use for an office. Look for things like: Under stairs Entryway Laundry room corner Walk-in closet Garage or Basement Don't forget to consider your garage or basement for a make-shift home office.

You may need to do some temperature and lighting control, but in the end, either could make a great office.

For more information about interior design and a wide range of subjects please visit our website:

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